As a dedicated mother of two, Lily and Owen are my first priority and I have always strived to give them the best start in life that I can. Approximately two and a half years ago, I first heard about infant literacy. I stumbled on the BrillKids website and with the help of Little Reader, both of my children began reading independently by 19 months old. Through the use of Little Math, they developed an overall sense of quantity and a basic understanding of equations. Over time, we used Little Reader to introduce vocabulary in second and third languages as well, which they picked up with ease.
After teaching my children the basics of literacy, math, and foreign language, I realized that music was the next logical step on their early learning journey. All of the studies I read highlighted the significant cognitive benefits of music education; music simply provides specific brain stimulation that cannot be achieved through any other medium. I wanted to give my children the opportunity to learn music, but I was in no way qualified to teach them as I had absolutely zero musical background. I've never played an instrument, cannot read music, and simply didn't know where to begin.
Nonetheless, I tried to figure out how to best teach Lily and Owen something I didn't understand myself. I read other parents' posts on the BrillKids forum and tried to adopt their approaches to music education, but they may as well have been speaking a foreign language. I actually had to google "perfect pitch" to learn what it was and why it was valuable for my kids to acquire it. I initially settled on using flashcards, Doman style xylophone training, and an assortment of mediocre DVDs, but none of the methods properly trained my children's ears to develop absolute pitch.
Having had such fantastic success with Little Reader and Little Math, I was excited and hopeful when BrillKids released the much anticipated beta version of Little Musician. If any program could teach my kids music, surely it would be BrillKids, a brand that I had grown to know and trust to educate my children.
Lily and Owen were immediately enthralled with the program from day one. I am so happy to say that Little Musician delivered above and beyond my expectations—Lily now has perfect pitch and Owen is well on the way to following in her footsteps!
What I love about Little Musician:
What Lily & Owen Love about Little Musician:
On average, we used Little Musician 5 days per week, two times per day. Lily and Owen love the children's songs so much that on some days we only listened to 2 or 3 songs if time was in short supply, but other days we listened to as many as 6-8 songs in a session. I believe this was a crucial component of their ear training.
After six months of consistently using Little Musician, Lily demonstrated that she had perfect pitch across all of the white keys on the digital piano. The children's songs in the latest build of Little Musician now include sharps and flats, which will help develop her recognition of the black keys. Owen can now recognize many of the keys and he has also begun to recognize chords, as well.
Additionally, in less than six months Lily figured out how to transpose solfège nursery rhymes. Little Musician first taught her to sing the "Incy Wincy Spider" in C Major and then in F Major. She then understood the concept and began to apply it to other songs, telling me "Mommy, you can play songs lots of ways!" Initially, she spent a significant amount of time at the piano, plunking out the keys until "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" sounded just right in "So Major." I didn't know what she was working on so determinedly at the piano, because at the time I didn't have a full grasp of what transposing music even meant. Since then, she has begun to play by ear on a limited basis.
My initial motivation to teach my children music was solely for the academic benefits and overall impact on brain development. What I discovered was that while Little Musician is indeed providing Lily and Owen an invaluable early music education, this exposure has sparked an interest and passion for music in my children that I didn't know existed. It is clear to me that they will be able to more fully enjoy and experience music on a deeper level.
This program has given our family countless joyful memories of singing and dancing in the living room, as we learned together through play. But make no mistake, Little Musician is more than just a digital version of a Mommy n' Me music appreciation class. My kids are learning about instruments, famous composers, sight reading, rhythm, pitch, and more…and it's only the first semester! Little Musician empowers all parents to give their children a comprehensive early music education, regardless of their own level of musical knowledge or talent. Lily and Owen are blossoming musically far more than I would have ever imagined at this age, and for this I owe a debt of gratitude to BrillKids and this awesome software!
Gregory Blankenbehler, M.A. Mus.
"The Little Musician software program by BrillKids is the closest thing I have seen yet to an easily-accessible early music education of the kind that gave us musical geniuses like Mozart and Bach..." Read full review
If you represent a music school, learn how we can create a customized Little Musician to suit your needs, and even get it for free!
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