The Little Math curriculum is spans a period of one year, with two semesters of six months each. Based on a five-day week, each semester comprises 130 days of lessons.
Each day's session is made up of a number of different lessons. For example, a day's session in Semester 1 contains the following lessons:
The Little Math English Curriculum contains lessons in written and recorded American (US) English and Mandarin Chinese by default. You can easily change the language in your lessons via the Number's Library settings.
Each number and operation file adheres to BrillKids standards, and comes with 2 professionally recorded voices and you have the full use of 7 interesting icon sets (icons which illustrate quantity.)
In Semesters 1 and 2 of the curriculum, you will see these types of lessons - more than once a session in some cases:
With lessons on quantity, you can help your child understand the reality of numbers (instead of just the symbols - 1, 2, etc. - that represent them). This will give your child a deeper understanding of mathematical concepts.
To make lessons more exciting, you can use different icons - using images that appeal to your child is an effective way of keeping your child interested in math!
Little Math uses icons, the numeric symbols of the number and the written word to teach mathematical operations. Depending on your child's level of learning, you can teach simple two-step equations, and advance to using up to 5 integers for operations.
Little Math also supports teaching math using written numerals, so your child can learn to be recognize the written representations of the number quantities.
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